Access control

Time Tracker

Time Tracker communicates with electronic wristbands to set a timer within them. This is great for time-based attractions, such as trampoline parks, laser tag, and more.

Access control for rides

Great for allowing and restricting access to smaller rides and attractions


PlayCards & Wristbands

Great for allowing and restricting access to smaller rides and attractions

What operators say?

“You have every reason to be proud of your crew! They are amazing. We opened on the 4th of July with an outstanding partner in Sacoa. They simply made it happen with NO downtime! Thanks for everything!”

Dale Williams of WonderWorks

Dale Williams

Williams Amusements, CEO, USA

“We were the first Dutch operator to adopt Sacoa’s system in 2017. Sacoa is a true partner, always supportive and accessible. I highly recommend them.”


Alain (J.J.) Dortants

CFO The Game Box Group B.V., Netherlands

“We use Sacoa Cashless System exclusively in our 6 Family Entertainment Centers. They are so responsive to our needs to provide reports, support, and more to help us grow our business and make more money.”

Rick Barsness of America's Incredible Pizza

Rick Barsness


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